Video advertising is the most dynamic and memorable form of
marketing available
YouTube is the world’s #2 search engine with 1.3 billion users, and video advertising is the most dynamic and memorable form available. With an audience more engaged than television, far more precise targeting, and real-time performance insight, video advertising is now an accessible and impactful part of the digital marketing mix.

Work with your existing video ads or one of our video production partners for a powerful way to access new ad markets.
Video Remarketing
Reach your current prospects with engaging video ads for education and mind-share improvement.
Channel Placements
We research the videos and channels your market watches to match your message to video content.
Grow it
Behavioral and search data combine on the videos your target market watches for new customers
Shopping With YouTube
Turn your product feed into actionable, ROI-driven ads positioned against product-specific video.
Brand Lift Data
Use YouTube’s unbeatable reach and user engagement to understand the true impact of video ads on brand recall and sentiment.
Facebook Video Ads
Drive awareness and guide customers and prospects through the purchase funnel with powerful Facebook video ads.

Multi-Channel Video with Advertise Everything
After YouTube, social networks like Facebook and Instagram are the largest distributors of digital video content. Video advertising for social media can repurpose existing video ad assets to create strong brand connections with a highly targeted audience. Advertise Everything will design you a comprehensive plan for a fully trackable awareness power play that won’t cost TV money.
Current users
Current available commands:
/me or /em
[user] [message]
Sends a private [message] for [user]
Sends [message] in italics
Sends [message] followed by '¯\_(ツ)_/¯'
Changes your name to [name]
Shows users on the server
Shows this help dialog
Clears your chat history
Reconnects to the server
Current available administrator commands:
[user] [minutes]
[user] [1-3]
Sends global [message]
Kicks [user] from the server
Bans [user] from the server for [minutes]
Changes [user] administrator permissions